- Service Level Agreement

Information: Framework expired

This solution is currently only available from a framework which has expired. It cannot be purchased using the Buying Catalogue at this time.

Supplier name
Solution ID




These are the levels of service the supplier has committed to for this Catalogue Solution:

Contact details

This is how you can contact support services for this Catalogue Solution.

ChannelContactAccessible hours
Channelemail Accessible hours00:00 - 23:59
ChannelPhone Contact+44(0) 208 0599988 Accessible hours08:30 - 17:00

Service availability

This is when you can contact support services for this Catalogue Solution.

Core support hours  
Time period
08:30 - 17:00
Applicable days
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
Includes bank holidays
Additional information
Non-core support hours  
Time period
17:00 - 08:30
Applicable days
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
Includes bank holidays
Additional information

Service levels

These are the levels of service provided for this Catalogue Solution.

Catalogue Solution availability   
Service level
99.9% availability during each calendar month and less than 10 minutes downtime in total
How the service levels are measured
Measured on a per organisation basis by suppliers monitoring tools and reported to service management. Total hours uptime divided by total hours in month
Are service credits applied?
24 Hour Support Service - Response Times  
Service level
95% of responses to requests provided within 3 hours from the time the email was logged.
How the service levels are measured
Number of times a request for support is not provided within 3 hours, divided by the total number of requests
Are service credits applied?
Support - Rectification of Faults Severity 1 - High impact. Loss of functionality. Incorrect data d  
Service level
90% of Faults are rectified to the satisfaction of client within 12 hours, from the time of the email being logged.
How the service levels are measured
Number of Faults not provided with 12 hours divided by the total number of requests
Are service credits applied?
Support - Rectification of Faults Severity 2. Medium impact. Incorrect settings or changes not work  
Service level
90% of Faults are rectified to the satisfaction of client within 24 hours, from the time of the email being logged.
How the service levels are measured
Number of Faults not provided with 24 hours divided by the total number of requests
Are service credits applied?
Support - Rectification of Faults Severity 3 Fault is an inconvenience. Low Impact  
Service level
90% of Faults are rectified to the satisfaction of client within 48 hours, from the time of the email being logged.
How the service levels are measured
Number of Faults not provided with 48 hours divided by the total number of requests
Are service credits applied?
Support - Rectification of Faults Severity 4 Fault is an inconvenience. Low Impact  
Service level
90% of Faults are rectified to the satisfaction of client within 72 hours, from the time of the email being logged.
How the service levels are measured
Number of Faults not provided with 72 hours divided by the total number of requests
Are service credits applied?
Support - Rectification of Faults Severity 5 Fault is an inconvenience. Low Impact  
Service level
90% of Faults are rectified to the satisfaction of client within 360 hours, from the time of the email being logged.
How the service levels are measured
Number of Faults not provided with 360 hours divided by the total number of requests
Are service credits applied?
Planned Outages  
Service level
100% of outages for technical maintenance/system updates/upgrades are planned and agreed with client - 14 days notice will be provided.
How the service levels are measured
Planned outages that are not planned and agreed divided by the number of outages
Are service credits applied?
Upgrades to software modifications, updates or new releases  
Service level
100% of upgrades will be provided on release whilst maintaining functionality. Where this is not possible, permission from client will be sought.
How the service levels are measured
Number of upgrades provided divided number of upgrades available
Are service credits applied?
Provision of any agreed Reports  
Service level
100% of Reports are provided to client no later than 10 Business Days from the last day of the previous month.
How the service levels are measured
Reports are not provided within 10 Business Days from the last day of the previous month divided by the number of reports required
Are service credits applied?
System audit and Security Monitoring  
Service level
Auditing and security monitoring is undertaken. All breaches reported to client directly.
How the service levels are measured
Breaches are not reported to client directly within the next Business Day.
Are service credits applied?
Solution information last reviewed: 8 December 2021