SystmOne GP - Capabilities and Epics

Information: Framework expired

This solution is currently only available from a framework which has expired. It cannot be purchased using the Buying Catalogue at this time.

Solution ID



GP IT Futures

What are Capabilities?

Capabilities are how you can match a Catalogue Solution to a business need. For example, you may want to enable GP staff to make a digital record of any consultation with a patient. You can therefore identify Catalogue Solutions which offer the 'Recording Consultations' Capability.

Each Capability is a set of requirements that are defined using short descriptions called Epics. The more functionality a Catalogue Solution has, the more Epics it will be able to meet for a particular Capability.

Capabilities met

This Catalogue Solution has demonstrated that it can help meet the following business needs:

Capability CapabilityAppointments Management - Citizen
Enables Citizens to manage their Appointments online. Supports the use of Appointment Slots that have been configured in Appointments Management - GP.
Details Action Check Epics
Capability CapabilityCommunicate With Practice - Citizen
Supports secure and trusted electronic communications between Patients and the Healthcare Organisation. Integrates with Patient Information Maintenance - GP Solution.
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Capability CapabilityPrescription Ordering - Citizen
Enables Patients to request for a Repeat medication recorded in Prescribing to be issued online.
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Capability CapabilityView Record - Citizen
Enables Citizens to view content from their Electronic Patient Record (EPR) online. Integrates with Patient Information Maintenance - GP Solution.
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Capability CapabilityAppointments Management - GP
Supports the administration, scheduling, resourcing and viewing of Appointments and Appointment availability. Also supports submission of data to the Authority for monitoring, planning and research purposes.
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Capability CapabilityReferral Management - GP
Supports the creation of Referral information for Patients and sending referral requests to the e-Referrals Service (e-RS).
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Capability CapabilityResource Management
Supports the management of Health or Care Organisation site information including management of Staff Members at Health or Care Organisations.
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Capability CapabilityPatient Information Maintenance - GP
Supports the registration of Patients and the maintenance of all Patient personal information including demographics. Supports the organisation and presentation of a comprehensive Electronic Patient Record (EPR) and enables other organisations to access this information. Also supports configuring access to Citizen Services and the submission of data to the Authority for monitoring, research and payment purposes.
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Capability CapabilityPrescribing
Supports the effective and safe prescribing of medicinal products and appliances to Patients. Information relating to prescribable items will be available at the point of prescribing.
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Capability CapabilityConsultation Management - GP
Supports the standardised recording of Consultations and other General Practice activities. Also supports eMED3 (fit notes), the extraction of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), and submission of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) for the Yellow Card scheme
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Capability CapabilityReporting
Enables reporting and analysis using a range of data items to support clinical care and Health or Care Organisation management.
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Capability CapabilityCross-organisation Reporting
Enables reporting and analysis using a range of data items to track performance, support clinical care and Health or Care Organisation management across organisational boundaries.
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Capability CapabilityCare Plans
Enables Health or Care Professionals to manage Care Plans for a Patient/Service User.
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Capability CapabilityUnified Care Record
Provides a consolidated view to Health and Care Professionals of a Patient/Service User's complete and up-to-date records, sourced from various health and care settings.
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Capability CapabilityProductivity
Supports Patients/Service Users and Health and Care Professionals by delivering improved efficiency or experience related outcomes.
Details Action Check Epics
Solution information last reviewed: 9 December 2021