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SystmOne GP - SystmOne Point of Care

Supports the roll out of vaccinations (COVID-19 and flu). Quick, accurate recording of all data directly into SystmOne. Combines familiar tools, for example templates and questionnaires. Seamless access to extra functionality allows for a smooth and more comprehensive experience for users and patients.

Capability CapabilityCohort Identification
The Cohort Identification Capability enables the identification of Patient cohorts by identifying Patients that require a COVID-19 vaccination based on nationally defined criteria.
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Capability CapabilityPCN Appointments Management - Vaccinations
The PCN Appointments Management - Vaccinations Capability enables the administration and scheduling of vaccination appointments for Patients.
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Capability CapabilityVaccination and Adverse Reaction Recording
The Vaccination and Adverse Reaction Recording Capability enables the recording of vaccination and adverse reaction data at the point of care. The Capability also supports the delivery of this data to the Patient’s registered GP Practice Foundation Solution and to NHS Digital.
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Solution information last reviewed: 9 December 2021