AccuRx - Capabilities and Epics

Information: Framework expired

This solution is currently only available from a framework which has expired. It cannot be purchased using the Buying Catalogue at this time.

Supplier name
AccuRx Limited
Solution ID



GP IT Futures

What are Capabilities?

Capabilities are how you can match a Catalogue Solution to a business need. For example, you may want to enable GP staff to make a digital record of any consultation with a patient. You can therefore identify Catalogue Solutions which offer the 'Recording Consultations' Capability.

Each Capability is a set of requirements that are defined using short descriptions called Epics. The more functionality a Catalogue Solution has, the more Epics it will be able to meet for a particular Capability.

Capabilities met

This Catalogue Solution has demonstrated that it can help meet the following business needs:

Capability CapabilityVaccination and Adverse Reaction Recording
The Vaccination and Adverse Reaction Recording Capability enables the recording of vaccination and adverse reaction data at the point of care. The Capability also supports the delivery of this data to the Patient’s registered GP Practice Foundation Solution and to NHS Digital.
Details Action Check Epics
Solution information last reviewed: 9 June 2022